LS Script Auto-Dodge – 100% Faster Skillshot Dodge Setup Guide

Table of Contents

Evade Settings

This post should shed some light on how Evade works and how you can customize it.


LegendSense Evade is quite powerful out of the box and may be used without any configuration, but for most picky users, we implemented a highly customizable evading rules system.

Unlike most other platforms, our Evade doesn’t implement a basic Evade Only Dangerous mode/hotkey. We’ve always had a different vision for this, and we believe that something like this should be tied with orbwalker modes instead of being implemented as a separate hotkey, which is uncomfortable to hold together with Spacebar.

Mode breakdown

First of all, Evade makes a decision whether to ignore certain spells or not based on special evading rules and your current Orbwalker mode:

  • No Mode – when you play yourself and don’t use any orbwalker keys.
  • Harass ModeC by default.
  • Lane Clear ModeV by default.
  • Last Hit ModeX by default.
  • Combo ModeSpacebar by default.
  • Flee ModeZ by default.

Evade rules

Each mode has its own set of generic settings and unique rules.

Here’s what Combo Mode looks like for example:

TIP: Although I tried to explain most of the features in tooltips, which you can see by putting your mouse over (❔), I understand that some of it may be confusing or unclear, and there is simply no time to figure it out in a real game. If you’re interested in all these features, it wouldn’t hurt going through all of this in a practice game.

Understanding Danger Level

We should ask ourselves:

What is a dangerous spell exactly?

It’s not just a spell with Hard CC (hard crowd control such as stun). It’s a bit trickier:

The threat any spell poses will dynamically change based on the damage it may deal to you, or if it may even kill you.

So even a basic spell with Low or Medium Danger Level may become dangerous, and Evade can crank its Danger Level to High or even Extreme if this spell is lethal.

However, we do not always want that behavior. For example, imagine such a scenario:

If we end up in a disadvantageous fight, where we are outnumbered by the enemy team, we don’t really want to waste our precious cooldowns such as Flash on dodging something with Low Danger Level.

To avoid this, Evade tries to determine the situation we are in by comparing the amount of nearby friendly and enemy champions and uses it to cap the maximum Danger Level it can crank any spell up to.

In simpler words, it can adjust Danger Level of any spell on the fly based on the game situation around you.

These caps are adjustable, and this is how it looks like in settings:

  • There are separate caps for lethal spells (Spell Will Kill Me) and high damage spells (Spell Will Really Hurt).
  • In this example, Evade will never crank any spell above High Danger Level if we are outnumbered.
  • This bit was important because despite each spell having a default base Danger Level (or the possibility to change it manually) – in fact, all Danger Levels are dynamic and can be adjusted on the fly depending on the in-game situation.

Understanding Evading Rules

Now that we understand how Evade dynamically adjusts Danger Level of any spell, we can take a look at the rules themselves.

This is the first default rule in Combo Mode using Performance Preset:

This rule basically tells Evade to always dodge Hard CC spells with Danger Level >= Medium.

  • Spell Type: All Spells (Linear, Cone, Circular, etc.)
  • Crowd Control: Dodge spells if they:
    • Lead To Dangerous Combo
    • Disable Your Attacks
    • Disable Your Casts & Channels
    • Disable Your Mobility Spells
    • Disable Your Movement
  • Danger Level: Medium or higher.
  • Maximum Player Health: 100% (always active).
  • Minimum Enemy Health: 0% (always active).
  • Turret Rule: Always (no turret checks).


As you can see, it’s pretty tricky and it’s easy to mess up these evading rule-sets unless you know what you are doing.

In most cases, default settings should be more than enough, but you are welcome to experiment with this as you please.

We have plans for more built-in Evade presets such as:

  • Obvious – Dodges literally everything.
  • Performance – Dodges most spells, but may ignore some depending on the game situation.
  • Balanced – Similar to Performance but ignores a few more spells.
  • CC Only – Dodge only CC spells and Extreme Danger Level spells.
  • Strict – Dodge only Hard CC spells and Extreme Danger Level spells.

Also, we want to introduce A/B switching between presets with a hotkey on the fly. Basically, you will be able to specify which presets should be used in slot A and in slot B and switch between them at any moment in-game without opening the menu.

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